Bodhi Bags are support bags for local families that find themselves in the NICU after the birth of their babe. The bags are provided completely free of charge to the hospitals and families.
Dae Lou Foundation was started in 2019 after being a privately funded passion project for a local family. As the project grew it became an official non-profit. We have been able to grow into 7 local hospitals and work to gain access into more NICUs and labor and delivery rooms across the state.
Bodhi Bags contain comfort and care items for the family who often do not plan to be in the NICU. An unexpected stay after having your baby whisked away to a specialized care unit can leave you jarred and in survival mode. Our goal is to soften the stay with some thoughtful items to make that time more tolerable. Most bags contain; chocolates, snacks, hand sanitizer, kleenex, chapstick, lotion, toothbrush and toothpaste, blanket, notebook and pen, a hand written note of support, reusable water bottle. All the goodies are put in a reusable thermal tote to provide a transport for snacks and or breastmilk for when momma has to leave and pump at home.
You can support the mission by volunteering time or money. The foundation is always looking for help to write the hand written notes, make home made blankets or host supply drives. Many local businesses and schools have hosted a supply drive where clients can bring in the items we provide in the bags which helps us keep costs low. You can learn more or donate money at
Steph Jarvis is the founder and a chairperson for Dae Lou Foundation. She is a Boise native and loves to hang out with her daughter and 3 pups. She and her husband, as well as extended family, formed Dae Lou Foundation in response to losing their 2nd daughter after a 22 day stay in the NICU. Providing bags and supporting other mommas was a good focus to pay forward the kindness they received during their stay.
Follow Dae Lou Foundation on Instagram and Facebook.
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